2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
import argparse
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
import concurrent.futures
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
import json
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
import os
import pathlib
2023-11-30 11:40:53 -05:00
import re
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
import shutil
import subprocess
ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
imagecompare = f'{ROOT}/imagecompare'
2024-02-12 22:36:25 +03:00
convert = f'convert' # set path for imagemagick convert if need
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
WORKDIR = f'{ROOT}/work'
REPORT_ROOT = f'{ROOT}' # FIXME should be workdir?
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
2023-11-27 13:15:54 -05:00
# TODO rename to <map>_<description>_<issue(opt)>
2023-11-30 11:40:53 -05:00
saves = []
for (_, _, files) in os.walk(os.path.join(ROOT, 'save')):
for file in files:
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
channels = {
2024-02-01 12:16:36 -05:00
# channel name: rt_debug_display_only value
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
'full': '',
'basecolor': 'basecolor',
'emissive': 'emissive',
'nshade': 'nshade',
'ngeom': 'ngeom',
'lighting': 'lighting',
'direct': 'direct',
2024-02-01 12:16:36 -05:00
'direct_diffuse': 'direct_diff',
'direct_specular': 'direct_spec',
'diffuse': 'diffuse',
'specular': 'specular',
'material': 'material',
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
'indirect': 'indirect',
'indirect_specular': 'indirect_spec',
'indirect_diffuse': 'indirect_diff',
2023-11-27 10:30:17 -05:00
def test_list(arg: str) -> [str]:
items = arg.split(',')
tests = []
for item in items:
2023-11-30 11:40:53 -05:00
r = re.compile(item)
for save in saves:
2023-12-04 13:50:54 -05:00
if r.search(save):
2023-11-30 11:40:53 -05:00
if not tests:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'No tests match {item}. Available tests are: {saves}')
2023-11-27 10:30:17 -05:00
return tests
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate scripts and makefiles for rendertest')
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
#parser.add_argument('--script', '-s', type=argparse.FileType('w'), help='Console script for generating images')
2023-11-27 10:30:17 -05:00
parser.add_argument('--tests', '-t', type=test_list, default=saves, help='Run only these tests')
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
# TODO how to check that the dir is valid? presence of xash3d executable and valve dir?
parser.add_argument('--xash-dir', '-x', type=str, default=os.getcwd(), help='Path to xash3d-fwgs installation directory')
2023-12-04 13:50:54 -05:00
# TODO parse commands in type=.. function
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
parser.add_argument('command', type=str, default=None, help='Action to perform')
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
args = parser.parse_args()
2023-11-27 10:30:17 -05:00
def make_script(file, tests: [str]):
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
header = '''sv_cheats 1
developer 0
m_ignore 1
cl_showfps 0
2023-12-05 10:57:02 -05:00
scr_conspeed 1000000
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
con_notifytime 0
hud_draw 0
r_speeds 0
rt_debug_fixed_random_seed 31337
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
print(f'Generating script {file.name}')
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
2023-11-27 10:30:17 -05:00
for test in tests:
2024-02-01 12:45:42 -05:00
white_furnace = "whitefurnace" in test
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
screenshot_base = 'rendertest/'
2023-11-27 10:30:17 -05:00
file.write(f'load rendertest_{test}\n')
2024-02-01 12:45:42 -05:00
if white_furnace:
file.write(f'rt_debug_flags white_furnace\n')
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
file.write(f'wait 4; echo DONE WAIT4; playersonly; wait 11\n')
# for i in range(13):
# file.write(f'echo FRAME {i+4}; wait 1;\n')
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
for channel, display in channels.items():
file.write(f'rt_debug_display_only "{display}"; screenshot {screenshot_base}{test}_{channel}.tga; wait 1\n')
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
2024-02-01 12:45:42 -05:00
if white_furnace:
file.write(f'rt_debug_flags ""\n')
2023-11-24 11:54:11 -05:00
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
# if args.script:
# print(f'Generating script {args.script.name}')
# make_script(args.script, args.tests)
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
def mkdir_p(path: str):
pathlib.Path(path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
def compile():
subprocess.run(['make', 'imagecompare'], cwd=ROOT, check=True)
def copy_assets():
print('Copying assets')
2023-12-04 13:50:54 -05:00
shutil.copy2(src=f'{ROOT}/vulkan_debug.wad', dst=f'{args.xash_dir}/valve/')
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
shutil.copytree(src=f'{ROOT}/maps', dst=f'{args.xash_dir}/valve/maps/', dirs_exist_ok=True)
shutil.copytree(src=f'{ROOT}/save', dst=f'{args.xash_dir}/valve/save/', dirs_exist_ok=True)
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
with open(f'{args.xash_dir}/rendertest.script', 'w') as script:
make_script(script, args.tests)
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
def render():
print('Running xash3d')
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
env = os.environ.copy()
env['RADV_PERFTEST'] = 'rt'
env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '.'
subprocess.run([f'{args.xash_dir}/xash3d', '-ref', 'vk',
'-nowriteconfig', '-nosound', '-log',
2024-02-01 12:16:36 -05:00
#'-dev', '2', '-vkverboselogs',
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
'-width', '1280', '-height', '800',
'+exec', 'rendertest.script'],
env=env, check=True)
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
def compare_one(test: str, channel: str, image_base: str, image_gold: str, image_test: str, image_diff: str, image_flip: str):
result = subprocess.run([imagecompare, image_gold, image_test, image_diff], text=True, capture_output=True)
match result.returncode:
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
case 0:
case 1:
raise Exception(f'FATAL imagecompare error: TBD')
case 2:
print(f'ERROR: {image_base} differ by more than threshold')
case _:
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
raise Exception(f'Unexpected imagecompare return code {result.returncode}')
ret = json.loads(result.stdout)
ret['test'] = test
ret['channel'] = channel
ret['image_gold'] = os.path.relpath(image_gold, REPORT_ROOT)
ret['image_test'] = os.path.relpath(image_test, REPORT_ROOT)
ret['image_diff'] = os.path.relpath(image_diff, REPORT_ROOT)
ret['image_flip'] = os.path.relpath(image_flip, REPORT_ROOT)
return ret
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
def compare():
2023-12-04 13:50:54 -05:00
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
screenshot_base = f'{args.xash_dir}/valve/rendertest'
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
diffs = []
2024-02-12 17:00:30 +03:00
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
for test in args.tests:
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
for channel, _ in channels.items():
image_base = f'{test}_{channel}'
2024-02-12 17:00:30 +03:00
#image_test = f'{screenshot_base}/{image_base}.tga'
image_test = f'{ROOT}/work/gold/{image_base}.png'
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
image_gold = f'{ROOT}/gold/{image_base}.png'
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
image_diff = f'{WORKDIR}/{image_base}_diff.png'
image_flip = f'{WORKDIR}/{image_base}_flip.gif'
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
diffs.append(executor.submit(compare_one, test, channel, image_base, image_gold, image_test, image_diff, image_flip))
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
2024-02-12 17:00:30 +03:00
# legacy
#executor.submit(subprocess.run, [convert,
# '(', image_gold, '-bordercolor', 'gold', '-border', '2x2', '-gravity', 'SouthWest', '-font', 'Impact', '-pointsize', '24', '-fill', 'gold', '-stroke', 'black', '-annotate', '0', 'GOLD', ')',
# '(', image_test, '-bordercolor', 'white', '-border', '2x2', '-fill', 'white', '-annotate', '0', 'TEST', ')',
# '-loop', '0', '-set', 'delay', '100', image_flip], check=True)
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
results = [diff.result() for diff in diffs]
# json.dump(results, open(f'{WORKDIR}/data.json', 'w'))
jsons = json.dumps(results)
with open(f'{WORKDIR}/data.js', 'w') as js:
js.write(f'"use strict";\nconst data = {jsons};\n')
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
def command_compare():
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
def command_png():
screenshot_base = f'{args.xash_dir}/valve/rendertest'
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
new_gold_base = f'{WORKDIR}/gold'
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
for test in args.tests:
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
for channel, _ in channels.items():
image_base = f'{test}_{channel}'
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
image_test = f'{screenshot_base}/{image_base}.tga'
image_new_gold = f'{new_gold_base}/{image_base}.png'
2024-02-12 17:00:30 +03:00
print(f'convert to {image_new_gold}')
executor.submit(subprocess.run, [convert, "-auto-orient", image_test, image_new_gold], check=True)
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
def command_run():
2023-11-27 12:46:54 -05:00
def command_render():
2023-11-28 12:32:40 -05:00
# TODO dict
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
match args.command:
case 'run':
case 'compare':
2023-11-27 12:46:54 -05:00
case 'render':
2023-11-27 12:31:41 -05:00
case 'png':
2023-11-27 12:01:11 -05:00
case _:
raise Exception(f'Unknown command {args.command}')
2023-11-27 10:30:17 -05:00
2023-11-27 12:46:54 -05:00
# - settings object to pass as an argument